Fall Road Gerald Voyer

Plan Your Trip to Berks County & Reading PA

Planning a trip to a place with many options year-round can be daunting. Don’t worry, though! We have a wealth of helpful resources to provide you with all the information you need to plan everything from a weekend getaway and a multi-week vacation to a couple’s retreat and an unforgettable family trip in Berks County and Reading, PA. 

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Getting Here & Around

You’ll be happy to know the best way to get to Pennsylvania’s Americana Region is by car. That’s right, no lines and no tickets. You’re in charge of your arrival and departure time. Best of all, we are a quick two to three-hour drive from almost anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic. In no time flat, you’ll be in the middle of all the fun.

Travel Guides & Resources

Our local tourism experts have prepared for your visit with valuable guides, tips, and resources available online, by email, or in person. 

You’ll certainly want to sign up for our newsletter and request the latest edition of our visitor’s guide. Both are jam-packed with helpful info to ensure you enjoy the many events,  attractions, and things to do in Reading and Berks County, PA. Our blog offers timely events of the season and is a top resource for perennial favorites as well as lesser-known delights. 

Hopefully, we have sparked your curiosity about the wealth of opportunities to enjoy yourself and experience life in this unique, vibrant, and historic region.

Outdoor Adventure