29th Annual World War II Weekend
June 7 - 9, 2019
The sounds of the massive warbirds roaring overhead can mean only one thing, Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s World War II Weekend is back. Each first full weekend in June, the tarmac adjacent to the museum is transformed into the largest reenactment event of its kind. Despite attending World War II Weekend year after year, I still marvel at the reenactors, the encampments, the period clothes, and the props, like a French village, and the American homefront. It connects me to another time and provides a glimpse into what life was like during one of America’s most trying times. If you’ve never been to World War II Weekend, it’s well worth a trip to Pennsylvania's Americana Region
My favorite things about World War II Weekend include:
• The reenactors, vehicles, airplanes, and military encampments make me feel as if I’ve been transported to another time. I’ll never tire of seeing the massive planes overhead, jeeps filled with GIs, or Betty the Riveter - standing in line at Wawa!
• I love the music. Big band music plays each night beckoning all to swing dance. Dress the part, then cut the rug (or hangar floor) to the sounds of the Benny Goodman. Head to the Officers’ Club to hear performers reminiscent of the Andrew Sisters and Frank Sinatra or watch a live 1940s radio show.
• Patriotism rules. Crowds hush, hats are removed, and hands are raised to hearts when the Star Spangled Banner is sung. Corny is cool and patriotism rules.
• Storytelling is an art form. Listen to the tales shared by some of the war veterans and be inspired
• This year, World War II Weekend is June 7 - 9. Adults - $32, Children $13
Daily events vary and include rides in WWII aircraft (for a price), a military parade down Reading’s Penn Street on Friday, June 7, dinners, dances, visits with distinguished guests, and so much more.
World War II Weekend is living history at its best. Come experience it soon.