Summer Camps in Pennsylvania Americana Region If you’re a kid, summertime means no school, sleeping in, and long days playing with friends. But kids’ summer camps in Pennsylvania’s Americana Region are a great way for them to spend a few days having fun while learning something new.

Here are a few local camps to check out:

● The Junior Historian Camp at Berks History Center is coming up June 13-15 and again June 20-22 and is ideal for kids ages 7 – 17. This year’s theme is “Dig Up Your Roots” and will involve exploring olde tyme activities such as Victrola music, traditional crafts and, for the first time this year, Summer Camps in Pennsylvania Americana Region Victory Gardening.

● From July 24 – 28 the PA German Cultural Heritage Center hosts a kids camp for ages 6 – 14 where students will learn various historical and PA Dutch crafts and activities along with demonstrations.

● Museum Discovery Camp at the Reading Public Museum offers six differently weekly themes from July – August, which allows parents to pick the right one for their child based on interests. Learn about Art & Animation, space, archeology, and more.

● If your child is into art, then sign them up for the GoggleWoods camp at South Mountain YMCA. Campers explore the art world at the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts for the first half of their day, taking classes from trained artists and instructors, Then they return to Bynden Wood Day Camp in the afternoon for a jam packed day of fun. Camp Conrad Weiser has a variety of day and overnight camps offering literary camps, riding camps, teen adventure, leadership camps, and much more.

● For kids interested in the environment, then the Berks Nature Center has the perfect program. Their Eco-Camp teacSummer Camps for kids in Pennsylvania Americana Regionhes children a love of the outdoors and an appreciation for nature. Each week’s camp has a different theme including The Secrets of Water and Soil; Fur, Scales, Wings and Bats; and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and more.

●  Berks Parks & Recreation also offers summer camps from late-June through mid-July taking place at either Bingaman Nature Center or Angora Fruit Farm. Kids who enjoy bugs will like Insect Safari, while kids who play in the dirt will get into Geology Rocks. Check out the other camps on their website.

Do your children attend local day camps? Which one(s) do they go to?