The presents are open, the food is put away. The commotion has died down. Now what? It’s time to enjoy some of the great activities that are available for children in Pennsylvania’s Americana Region during the vacation after the holiday break. Making a point of finding a new activity each day of the vacation week; a great way to spend quality time as a family, doing things that interest your kids.
Why not start at the Reading Public Museum? Their Brain Teasers Exhibition includes 21 challenges and brain twisters, including unraveling mathematical conundrums, separating linked objects, arranging geometric shapes to form new ones and looking at problems from different perspectives. Work as a team with your child to solve the problems. Finish your visit with a show at the Neag Planetarium, a great way to kick back, relax and be inspired.
Perhaps you fancy seeing one of the season's blockbuster releases at one of our local movie theaters (Fox Berkshire or Reading Movies 11 & IMAX). Visit their website to see movie showtimes and more!
Take it outside at Bear Creek Mountain Resort. Enjoy hours of snow tubing, skiing, and snowboarding, followed by a great meal at one of the resort’s eateries. For a less expensive adventure, head to the trails at Nolde, Hawk Mountain, and Blue Marsh. Bundle up, pack snacks, and enjoy our great outdoors.
Have you been to Roadside America? Talk about a slice of Americana! It’s hard to believe the attraction was handmade, over eighty years ago.
Take a short drive to North Museum of Nature and Science, where during the last week of December, the museum is bringing a “cool” factor to all things science! Each day of that week, there is enjoy a different science themed activity, including watching as a chemical composition creates a solution of blinking red, and green colors, seriously cool liquid Nitrogen demos, turning trees into a winter wonderland, and more. While at the North Museum, be sure to visit the SciDom Theater, created by the world’s leading supplier of planetariums, turning the dome into a dazzling 21st century science learning lab. The Museum is the first to have the Spitz SciDom XD Touch System with cove-mounted projectors.
In the evening, you can ride the Snowflake Special on the Colebrookdale Railroad, and watch the bright stars of a cold, clear winter’s night as the train moves up the Secret Valley and deep into the forest. Train lovers can also enjoy Nostalgic Christmas Trains at the Reading Railroad Heritage Museum in Hamburg, where vintage O gauge trains are operating in a holiday setting.