Famous naturalist John Muir said that “in every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” This is certainly true at Hawk Mountain, the first refuge for birds of prey, where you can bring something soft to sit on, pack a day pack, climb the mountain and plan to spend the morning, the afternoon or even all day being inspired by majestic birds soaring overhead. Every year, nearly 18,000 birds glide over the North Lookout at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, a 1,500 foot outcropping on Blue Mountain, the mountain range that forms one edge of Berks County, Pennsylvania. The annual Hawk Watch, as it is called, which runs from August 15 through December 15, attracts visitors from all over the nation who come to view this intriguing procession of migrating birds to points south.
Yet, Hawk Mountain is not just about birds flying overhead. There are seven world class hiking trails, including one that takes you to the North Lookout. Hawk Mountain has an ADA approved trail and was voted one of the best Hawk watches in the US by USA Today Top10 and Audubon Magazine!
Visit Hawk Mountain on a Saturday or Sunday and take part in one of the Weekend Programs, which introduce you to Raptor’s Up Close, Trapping and Trekking, Binocular Basics and Raptor ID. Tour the Native Plant Garden when the “Naturalist in the Garden” is in residence to learn about the plants and wildlife native to Pennsylvania. If you want to increase your conservation credentials, the Acopian Center offers extended programs in the teaching lab and access to one of the largest collections of raptor literature in the world at the Julian Hill Library.
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