Distelfink in the winter Sarah Lucas

Reading Railroad Heritage Museum & PA's Americana Region

Reading Railroad Heritage Museum By Bryan Hay In “Life’s Railway to Heaven,” Johnny Cash sings, “Heed the curves and watch the tunnels, never falter, never fail, keep your hand upon the throttle, and your eye upon the rail.” It’s a relevant creed for the generations of people from Pennsylvania’s…

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PA Americana Christmas & PA Dutch Traditions

Christmas and PA Dutch Traditions by Bryan Hay I grew up in a Pennsylvania German household, and the one memory that sticks out is the annual PA Dutch tradition of a Christmas visit from the Belsnickel, who was portrayed by my great-uncle. Not nearly as jolly as St. Nick, the Belsnickel, dressed in…

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PA Dutch Holiday Foods & PA's Americana Region

PA Dutch holiday foods - this time of year it doesn’t take much to get Steve Stetzler talking about holiday memories surrounding PA Dutch foods. “On Christmas Eve, we’d always have pig stomach at grandma’s house,” says Stetzler, chef, and owner at the Deitsch Eck Restaurant at 87 Penn St.…

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Full Moon Walks in PA's Americana Region

Full Moon Walks by Cindy Ross As I rummage through the hat and glove box, looking for pairs, the teakettle whistles, reminding me to make hot chocolate for our thermos. My children are dressed in multiple layers of outdoor clothing and we’ve just finished eating a quick dinner for we want to make a…

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