Distelfink in the winter Sarah Lucas

Only in Pennsylvania's Americana Region!

With the Fourth of July holiday almost here, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the people that built our country. And Berk s County certainly had its share of residents who contributed to our nation's history. Our history and heritage are what makes Pennsylvania’s Americana Region so special. If…

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The Hex Signs of PA's Americana Region

Eric Claypoole doesn't put a lot of stock in the presence of hexes (witches) lurking in Pennsylvania’s Americana Region, but he has encountered a ghost or two. It’s a bit of adventure to reach his studio in the thickly wooded hills of Greenwich Township, just south of Lenhartsville. Up a steep…

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Keep your cool in PA's Americana Region

They don’t call them the “dog days of summer” for nothing! It’s hot out and it’s just going to get hotter. The sizzling days of summer are just ahead but you don’t have to stay home to beat the heat. There are plenty of fun things to do in Pennsylvania’s Americana Region to keep cool in July and…

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Hunting for antiques in Pennsylvania's Americana Region

by Bryan Hay My inexplicable obsession for vintage kerosene lamps, crocks and clocks almost always lead me to Pennsylvania’s Americana Region, a go-to destination for quality antiques. Whenever I get the itch to hunt for another collectible, the car automatically heads to Renninger’s Farmers Market…

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Berks Country Fest Spotlight: G.E. Smith

Blog by Berks Country Fest May 3, 2017 Saturday Night Live, Hall & Oates, Mike Meyers, David Bowie and Berks Country Fest. Only G.E. Smith can tie these names together. Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Smith started playing guitar when he was seven. By the time Smith turned 11, he was making money…

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World War II Weekend - worth the trip

29th Annual World War II Weekend June 7 - 9, 2019 The sounds of the massive warbirds roaring overhead can mean only one thing, Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s World War II Weekend is back. Each first full weekend in June, the tarmac adjacent to the museum is transformed into the largest reenactment event…

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Free concerts in Pennsylvania's Americana Region

I think summertime and live music go together like peanut butter and jelly. The long, hot days of summer just call for the sounds of guitars, drums, and harmonizing voices. And in Pennsylvania’s Americana Region, there are plenty of live, free concerts to attend and get your jam on this summer…

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